Energy Management

In this session, we’ll consider the key skills, habits of mind and knowledge you will need to successfully manage your own energy and build your personal and professional capacity while serving others in your new community. We’ll explore a foundational framework– specific techniques, tools and perspectives–to help you do just that.


  • Jo-Anne Kingstone
    Jo-Anne Kingstone

    Jo-Anne Kingstone

    Jo-Anne’s 35-year journey working and leading in schools informs her current work as a coach and facilitator for emerging and established leaders, teams, and organizations seeking to build their capacity and advance their personal and professional strategic objectives. Opportunities to learn alongside experienced mentors, who modelled the habits of mind and attributes of exemplary leadership, provided a rich backdrop for thinking about the ways organizations, and the people who live and work in them, define and express their vision, mission and values. As a former Head of School, member of The Association of Boarding Schools (TABS) Board and their teaching faculty, and Director of Programs and Accreditation for the Canadian Accredited Independent Schools (CAIS), Jo-Anne has engaged in the work of schools and school leadership across local, national and global landscapes. A founding Partner of Elarton Point Strategies, Jo-Anne now seeks to combine the narrative arc of her own personal and professional journey with her deeply held belief in the powerful potential of others. Her great joy is to work with people who seek to find and express their very best selves — and along the way to make a positive contribution to their world.

    Jo-Anne holds an Hons. BA (Trent University) and an MA (Middlebury College), both in Literature. She is a certified MBTI and FIRO-B practitioner and an Energy Management Coach. She is currently studying Organizational Coaching at the University of British Columbia.

    When not running forest trails and drinking good coffee, Jo-Anne volunteers as a Board Member for Lake Trail Community Middle School in her home community of Courtenay, BC.

  • Sarah Kingstone
    Sarah Kingstone

    Sarah’s career is dedicated to exploring a variety of powerful educational tools and resources to define and enhance positive youth development and compassionate participation in community to increase equity and access to social justice. Especially passionate about building individual and organizational capacity, she believes fundamentally in our collective shared purpose to help make life better for each other.
    Sarah grounds her work in valid and reliable research and believes that analysis begins with a historical lens to accurately evaluate and understand the challenges we face today and respond to them with courage and conviction. Where we are coming from is just as important as where we are and where we want to go. As a founding Partner of Elarton Point Strategies, Sarah brings this commitment to her coaching work with individuals and groups.
    Sarah is a boarding school grad and spent the first four years of her career teaching, coaching and living in a boarding school. As a “faculty brat” she has lived the full spectrum of the life! Sarah holds a BA (History) and BEd (University of British Columbia) and an MSc in Education, Equity and Public Policy (University of Glasgow). Sarah is certified as an MBTI Practitioner and an Energy Management Coach.
    In her free time, Sarah talks incessantly about SNL, plays outside, and makes meals with the people she loves.


July 22 2021

Local Time

  • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Date: July 22 2021