Rich and Rewarding Careers in Boarding

Once your feet are fully under you, how can you embark on a rewarding career within the boarding school world? Explore resources at your fingertips, and address key questions as you imagine how this new chapter in your professional life might unfold over the coming years.


  • Sloane Meyer
    Sloane Meyer
    Carney, Sandoe & Associates

    A graduate of Interlochen Arts Academy, Sloane was inspired by her own educational experience to be a mentor for her own students and pursue a career in independent schools. After graduating with her Master’s degree in History, Sloane began teaching high school history in the Bay Area and served as a teacher, advisor, and Academic Dean for five years before joining Carney Sandoe & Associates in 2015. Currently serving as the Director for New Graduate Programs and Placement Associate for History and Social Studies, Sloane works closely with new and recent graduates to help prepare them for exciting careers in independent schools and begin building the networks needed to succeed in this close-knit community. As a former boarding school student, teacher, hiring contact, and Carney Sandoe candidate, Sloane takes pride in having experienced the independent school world from all angles and loves sharing her knowledge with both schools and job-seekers to help them find their perfect match.


July 21 2021

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  • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Date: July 21 2021